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Retrieves the count of objects specified by the provided filter.You must specify the objectType
This API is not supported by ectool. |
objectTypeStringrequiredThe type of object to query for. caseSensitiveSearchBooleanoptionalApplicable only for case-sensitive databases. When set to True (default), searches are case-sensitive. When set to False , searches are case-insensitive.filterArrayoptionalA list of zero or more filter criteria definitions used to define objects to find. firstResultIntegeroptionalThe first result to be retrieved, numbered from 0. maxIdsIntegeroptionalThe maximum number of object IDs to return. viewNameStringoptionalThe name of the view. |
$cmdr->countObjects( "test-objectType" # objectType # optionals );
ectool countObjects \ "test-objectType" `# objectType` \ # optionals
use ElectricCommander(); my @artifactNameFilters; # Create the filter list for filtering on artifact name push (@artifactNameFilters, {"propertyName"=>"artifactName", "operator"=>"contains", "operand1"=>"groupId:installer-windows", ); my $cmdr = new ElectricCommander(); # Perform the countObjects query my $reference=$cmdr\->countObjects("artifactVersion", { filter=> {operator=>"and", filter=>[ { propertyName=>"modifyTime" , operator=>"greaterOrEqual",# Give me all dates after or equal arbinary date "operand1"=>"2014-03-25T14:48:55.286Z", } , { operator => 'or', # apply 'or' for the filters in the list filter => \@artifactNameFilter } ] } }); my $jobs=$reference->find('\/response\/count'); print $jobs;