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Modifies a plugin.
Some plugin attributes available on the Plugins page are not available in any of the plugin-related APIs. Because some plugin metadata comes from the plugin.xml file, the web server can access this data, but the CloudBees CD/RO server cannot. Therefore, when the Plugin Manager is run in the web server context, it provides additional information and functionality.
pluginNameStringrequiredThe name of the plugin. authorStringoptionalThe name of the plugin author. authorUrlStringoptionalThe URL of the plugin author. If using an IPv6 address, enclose the address in square brackets. Example: [<IPv6-ADDRESS>] .categoryStringoptionalThe category of the plugin. descriptionStringoptionalComment text describing this object that is not interpreted at all by CloudBees CD/RO. extensionVersionIntegeroptionalAn extension version number should be used when modifying or extending a CloudBees provided plugin. This allows the system to differentiate between the product plugin versions and plugin versions modified or customized by you. labelStringoptionalLabel to display in lists for the plugin. pluginWizardBasedBooleanoptionalWhether the plugin is based on Plugin Wizard. repositoryUrlStringoptionalThe URL of plugin's repository. If using an IPv6 address, enclose the address in square brackets. Example: [<IPv6-ADDRESS>] .supportLevelIntegeroptionalThe support level for the plugin. supportsConfigurationsBooleanoptionalWhether the plugin supports plugin configurations. If true, then the plugin configuration procedures, CreateConfiguration and DeleteConfiguration will be automatically created. |
$cmdr->modifyPlugin( "test-pluginName" # pluginName # optionals );
ectool modifyPlugin \ "test-pluginName" `# pluginName` \ # optionals