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Runs the specified process. For microservice applications, it is used to deploy a microservice to a Kubernetes cluster.projectNameStringrequiredThe name for the project that must be unique among all projects. applicationNameStringrequiredThe name of the application that owns the process. processNameStringrequiredThe name of the application process. actualParameterArrayoptionalParameters passed as arguments to the process. credentialReferenceParameterArrayoptionalList of credential parameters with references to existing credentials as parameter values. If the parameter value is a property reference then the credential would be resolved at runtime. credentialArrayoptionalCredentials to be used in the job. destinationProjectStringoptionalThe project that will own the job. enforceDependenciesBooleanoptionalIf application dependencies are defined for the specified application, enforce them for successful deployment. environmentNameStringoptionalEnvironment name to create from template. environmentProjectNameStringoptionalThe name of the project to which the environment or environment template belongs to. environmentTemplateNameStringoptionalEnvironment template name. environmentTemplateProjectNameStringoptionalThe name of the project to which the environment template belongs to. environmentTemplateTierMapNameStringoptionalEnvironment template tier map name. keepOnErrorBooleanoptionalTrue to keep environment on error (default is false). parsedWebhookDataStringoptionalJSON with parsed webhook data to be set on a pipeline/release/procedure run. priorityStringoptionalThe priority of the job. Possible values: "low" , "normal" , "high" , "highest" rollingDeployEnabledBooleanoptionalPerform rolling deployment. rollingDeployManualStepAssigneeArrayoptionalA list of assignees who receive the notification when rolling deploy iteration completes. rollingDeployManualStepConditionStringoptionalDefines run condition on manual step created during rolling deployment. Possible values: "always" , "failure" , "success" rollingDeployPhaseArrayoptionalOne or more rolling deploy phases to be used for deployment. rolloutApproverArrayoptionalA list of rollout approvers. rolloutNotificationEnabledBooleanoptionalRollout notification enabled (default is false). scheduleNameStringoptionalName for the schedule; must be unique among all schedules for the project. smartDeployBooleanoptionalSmart deploy -- if provided actual param will be overridden. snapshotNameStringoptionalName for the snapshot. stageArtifactsBooleanoptionalStage all artifacts being deployed as part of the application process. tierMapNameStringoptionalThe name of the tier map used to determine where to run the process. tierResourceCountArrayoptionalResource count per resource template tier. validateBooleanoptionalValidate the process and environment. webhookDataStringoptionalThe webhook data to be set on the pipeline/release/procedure run. webhookHeadersStringoptionalThe webhook headers in JSON format to be set on the pipeline/release/procedure run. |
$cmdr->runProcess( "test-projectName", # projectName "test-applicationName", # applicationName "test-processName" # processName # optionals );
ectool runProcess \ "test-projectName" `# projectName` \ "test-applicationName" `# applicationName` \ "test-processName" `# processName` \ # optionals