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Retrieves all environment reservations.applicationNameStringoptionalThe name of the application. beginDateStringoptionalDate of beginning reservation. blackoutBooleanoptionalBlackout reservations. endDateStringoptionalThe date when reservation event ends. environmentNameStringoptionalThe name of the environment. environmentProjectNameStringoptionalThe name of the environment project name. environmentTierNameStringoptionalThe name of the environment tier. includeTimeslotsBooleanoptionalInclude timeslots in reservation response. pipelineNameStringoptionalThe name of the pipeline. projectNameStringoptionalName for the project; must be unique among all projects. releaseNameStringoptionalThe name of the release. reserverTypeArrayoptionalReserver types. timeZoneStringoptionalThe time zone to use when interpreting times. |
$cmdr->getReservations( # optionals );
ectool getReservations \ # optionals