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Create a new schedule.
If both startTime and stopTime are specified, intervalUnits and interval are used to specify an interval time to repeat running the procedure.
projectNameStringrequiredThe name for the project that must be unique among all projects. scheduleNameStringrequiredName for the schedule; must be unique among all schedules for the project. actualParameterArrayoptionalParameters passed to the invoked procedure/pipeline/process/release/workflow. applicationNameStringoptionalThe name of the application that owns the process. applicationProjectNameStringoptionalName for the project to which the application belongs to. beginDateStringoptionalThe date when this schedule will begin (for example, 2023-05-15). catalogItemNameStringoptionalName of the catalog item to invoke. catalogNameStringoptionalName of the catalog containing the catalog item to invoke. credentialNameStringoptionalThe name of the credential to use for impersonation. dataRetentionPolicyNameStringoptionalThe name of the data retention policy to invoke. descriptionStringoptionalComment text describing this object that is not interpreted at all by CloudBees CD/RO. endDateStringoptionalThe date when this schedule will end (for example, 2023-05-15). The end date is not included in the range of dates. environmentNameStringoptionalThe name of the environment used to determine where to run the process. environmentProjectNameStringoptionalName for the project to which the environment or environment template belongs to. environmentTemplateNameStringoptionalThe name of the environment template used to determine the environment where to run the process. environmentTemplateProjectNameStringoptionalName for the project to which the environment template belongs to. environmentTemplateTierMapNameStringoptionalThe name of the environment template tier map used to determine how to spin up the environment which will be used to run the process. insertRollingDeployManualStepBooleanoptionalTrue to indicate a manual step to inject after each phase or batch. intervalStringoptionalIf specified, the procedure/pipeline/process/release/workflow will be rescheduled over and over again at intervals of this length. Continuous means reschedule the procedure/process/workflow as soon as the previous job finishes.intervalUnitsStringoptionalUnits for the interval of rescheduling. Possible values: "continuous" , "hours" , "minutes" , "seconds" misfirePolicyStringoptionalSpecifies the misfire policy for a schedule. Possible values: "ignore" , "runOnce" monthDaysStringoptionalA list of numbers from 1-31 separated by spaces, indicating zero or more days of the month. pipelineNameStringoptionalName of the pipeline to invoke. pipelineParameterArrayoptionalPipeline parameters used by a release schedule to override the default parameters configured in the release. pluginKeyStringoptionalName for the project to which the schedule belongs to. priorityStringoptionalThe priority of the job. Possible values: "low" , "normal" , "high" , "highest" procedureNameStringoptionalThe name of the procedure to invoke. processNameStringoptionalThe name of the application process to invoke. releaseNameStringoptionalName of the release to invoke. rollingDeployEnabledBooleanoptionalPerform rolling deployment. rollingDeployManualStepAssigneeArrayoptionalA list of assignees who receive the notification when rolling deploy iteration completes. rollingDeployManualStepConditionStringoptionalDefines run condition on manual step created during rolling deployment. Possible values: "always" , "failure" , "success" rollingDeployPhaseArrayoptionalOne or more rolling deploy phases to be used for deployment. scheduleDisabledBooleanoptionalIf this box is checked , the schedule will run. You can disable this schedule whenever necessary.snapshotNameStringoptionalThe name of the snapshot to be used to invoke the application process. stagesToRunArrayoptionalOne or more stages to run in a pipeline. startTimeStringoptionalThe time of day to begin invoking this schedule's procedure/pipeline/process/release/workflow (24-hour clock, for example, 17:00). startingStageStringoptionalName of the starting stage in pipeline. startingStateNameStringoptionalThe name of the starting state of the workflow. stopTimeStringoptionalThe time of day to stop invoking this schedule's procedure/pipeline/process/release/workflow (don't start a new job after this time); time values use a 24-hour clock, for example, 17:00. subprojectStringoptionalName for the project to which the schedule target object belongs to. tierMapNameStringoptionalThe name of the tier map used to determine where to run the process. tierResourceCountArrayoptionalResource count per resource template tier. timeZoneStringoptionalThe time zone to use when interpreting times. weekDaysStringoptionalDays of the week: any number of names such as Monday or Tuesday, separated by spaces. workflowNameStringoptionalThe name of the workflow to invoke. |
$cmdr->createSchedule( "test-projectName", # projectName "test-scheduleName" # scheduleName # optionals );
ectool createSchedule \ "test-projectName" `# projectName` \ "test-scheduleName" `# scheduleName` \ # optionals