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Modifies an existing hook in a resource template.hookNameStringrequiredName for the hook; must be unique among all hooks. broadcastBooleanoptionalBroadcast flag. descriptionStringoptionalComment text describing this object that is not interpreted at all by CloudBees CD/RO. hookParameterArrayoptionalHook parameters. hookTypeStringoptionalHook type. Possible values: "POST_CONFIGURATION" , "POST_PROVISIONING" , "POST_TEARDOWN" , "PRE_CONFIGURATION" , "PRE_PROVISIONING" , "PRE_TEARDOWN" newNameStringoptionalThe new name for an existing object that is being renamed. procedureNameStringoptionalHook procedure name. procedurePluginKeyStringoptionalProcedure plugin key. procedureProjectNameStringoptionalProcedure project name. projectNameStringoptionalProjectName of the entity that owns the hook. resourceTemplateNameStringoptionalName of the resource template. |
$cmdr->modifyHook( "test-hookName" # hookName # optionals );
ectool modifyHook \ "test-hookName" `# hookName` \ # optionals