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Run the specified setupWebhook, returns RunProcedureResult.In addition, it passes the webhookSecret
and triggerId
as parameters from those specified in triggerName
actualParameterArrayoptionalParameters passed to the invoked procedure. applicationNameStringoptionalThe name of the application. credentialArrayoptionalCredentials to be used in the job. pathStringoptionalProperty path string. pipelineNameStringoptionalThe name of the pipeline. procedureNameStringoptionalName for the procedure; must be unique within the project. projectNameStringoptionalThe name for the project that must be unique among all projects. releaseNameStringoptionalThe name of the release. scmSyncNameStringoptionalThe name of the scm sync. triggerNameStringoptionalThe name of the trigger. |
$cmdr->setupWebhook( # optionals );
ectool setupWebhook \ # optionals
Pipeline example
# for pipeline $cmdr->setupWebhook( {projectName => "qe proj", triggerName => "qe trigger 1", pipelineName => "qe pipeline name", actualParameter => [{actualParameterName => "ec_action", value =>'create'}, {actualParameterName => "credentialsType", value =>'configuration'}, {actualParameterName => "configuration", value =>'github config'}, {actualParameterName => "insecureSsl", value =>'true'}] });
Procedure example
$cmdr->setupWebhook( {projectName => "qe proj", triggerName => "qe trigger 1", procedureName => "qe procedure name", actualParameter => [{actualParameterName => "ec_action", value =>'create'}, {actualParameterName => "credentialsType", value =>'configuration'}, {actualParameterName => "configuration", value =>'github config'}, {actualParameterName => "insecureSsl", value =>'true'}] });