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Modifies an existing SAML service provider.entityIdStringrequiredService provider entity ID (usually URI). serverUrlStringrequiredURL for the service provider host. If using an IPv6 address, enclose the address in square brackets. Example: [<IPv6-ADDRESS>] .authnRequestsSignedBooleanoptionalMetadata will have AuthnRequestsSigned= true/false in descriptor.digestAlgorithmStringoptionalSAML digest algorithm. Possible values: "SHA1" , "SHA256" enabledBooleanoptionalIf true, enables SAML service provider. groupClaimAttributeStringoptionalSecurity group claim attribute in the SAML response that contains the user groups. mdSigningEnabledBooleanoptionalIf true, sign service provider metadata. mdSigningPassphraseStringoptionalPassphrase use for service provider metadata signing private key. mdSigningPrivateKeyStringoptionalService provider metadata signing private key. mdSigningPublicCertificateStringoptionalService provider metadata signing public certificate. nameIdFormatStringoptionalNameID format such as urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified .passphraseStringoptionalPassphrase use for service provider private key. privateKeyStringoptionalService provider private key. publicCertificateStringoptionalService provider's public certificate. samlServiceProviderNameStringoptionalThe name of the SAML service provider. signatureAlgorithmStringoptionalSAML signature algorithm. Possible values: "RSA_SHA1" , "RSA_SHA256" userEmailAttributeStringoptionalThe mapping for the user email attribute in the SAML response. userFullNameAttributeStringoptionalThe mapping for the full user name attribute in the SAML response. wantAssertionsSignedBooleanoptionalMetadata will have WantAssertionsSigned= true/false in descriptor. |
$cmdr->modifySamlServiceProvider( "test-entityId", # entityId "test-serverUrl" # serverUrl # optionals );
ectool modifySamlServiceProvider \ "test-entityId" `# entityId` \ "test-serverUrl" `# serverUrl` \ # optionals