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Updates an artifact version by adding or replacing one or more files in the existing file and publishes the result as a new artifact version to an artifact repository.
This API wraps the update function in the ElectricCommander::ArtifactManagement
Perl module and hides some additional functionality implemented in that module.
You must specify search criteria options to locate the artifact versions you want to update.
artifactKeyStringoptionalUser-specified identifier for this artifact. This field is limited to alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores, hyphens, and periods. artifactNameStringoptionalThe name of the artifact. descriptionStringoptionalA plain text or HTML description for this object. If using HTML, you must surround your text with <html> … </html> tags. The only HTML tags allowed in the text are: <a> <b> <br> <div> <dl> <font> <i> <li> <ol> <p> <pre> <span> <style> <table> <tc> <td> <th> <tr> <ul> .excludePatternsArrayoptionalSemicolon delimited list of file-path patterns indicating which files/directories under "fromDirectory" to exclude when publishing an artifact version. Defaults to "empty," which means no files are excluded.followSymlinksBooleanoptional1 or true . If 1 or true , CloudBees CD/RO follows symbolic links and record the target file contents with the symbolic link name in the artifact. If 0 or false , CloudBees CD/RO records the symbolic link as a symbolic link. Following symbolic links causes the publishing API to remain compatible with previous releases.fromDirectoryStringoptionalThe directory containing files to publish as the artifact version. A subset of files can be published based on includePatterns and excludePatterns .groupIdStringoptionalA user-generated group name for this artifact. This field is limited to alphanumeric characters, spaces, spaces, underscores, hyphens, and periods. includePatternsArrayoptionalSemicolon delimited list of file-path patterns indicating which files/directories under "fromDirectory" to publish in the artifact version. Defaults to "empty," which means all files will be included. Conversely, if only two files are "included," no other files except those two will be included.newVersionStringoptionalUnique identifier for the new artifact version in the form: major.minor.patch-qualifier-buildNumber . major , minor , patch , and buildNumber are integers and qualifier can contain any character except the following: \\:<>|?*/ If a version argument is provided, but does not follow the above format, the version will be considered 0.0.0-<user-specified-version-arg>-0 implicitly.pathStringoptionalThe path of the original artifact under which one or more files will be added or replaced. The default path is the root. versionStringoptionalUnique identifier for the artifact version in the form: major.minor.patch-qualifier-buildNumber . major , minor , patch , and buildNumber are integers and qualifier can contain any character except the following: \:<>|?*/ . If a version argument is provided, but does not follow the above format, the version will be considered 0.0.0-<user-specified-version-arg>-0 implicitly. |
$cmdr->updateArtifactVersion( # optionals );
ectool updateArtifactVersion \ # optionals