Integrate OpenShift CLI

2 minute read

The CloudBees OpenShift CLI plugin provisions the OpenShift CLI in your CloudBees CI jobs so that you can deploy applications or interact with an OpenShift environment.

Global configuration

OpenShift CLI installations can be configured from Manage Jenkins  Configure System. The default installer downloads the OpenShift CLI and installs it on the agent the first time it’s used by a job. Alternatively, you can configure a custom installer to download a tar.gz archive from a custom location.

Job configuration

To enable the OpenShift CLI in a job, goto the Configuration page of the job and, in the Build Environment section, check Setup OpenShift CLI.

You can then select CLI installation:: OpenShift CLI installation to use. CLI can be configured for automatic installation on executor, please read next section.

OpenShift controller URL

URL for the OpenShift controller endpoint URL.


Checking this option will disable the SSL certificate validation, so can be used to connect to an OpenShift controller which uses a self-signed HTTPS certificate. Please note this option introduce security risks and should not be used for production environments.


OpenShift credentials to setup so build steps within this job will run within an authenticated context.

Once the OpenShift CLI is setup in a job, you can use it in any Execute Shell or Execute Windows Batch Command step.

Figure 1. OpenShift CLI job configuration
Figure 1. OpenShift CLI job configuration

Using the OpenShift CLI in a Pipeline job

Once the OpenShift CLI is setup in the System Configuration, you can use it in any Pipeline job as a build wrapper.

OpenShift CLI Pipeline syntax

The Groovy syntax looks like:

node { // ... withOcCli((1) installation: 'oc (latest)',(2) url: '',(3) insecure: true,(4) credentialsId: 'openshift-credentials') {(5) sh 'oc scale --replicas=3 replicationcontrollers webapp' (6) } }
1 "Setup OpenShift CLI" step name
2 Name of the OpenShift CLI version defined in the System Configuration screen
3 URL of the OpenShift controller endpoint (for example, "")
4 Skip SSL validation when using a self signed certificate for the API endpoint (please don’t)
5 ID of the credentials to configure the OpenShift CLI
6 oc commands used in sh steps, the OpenShift CLI is configured with the desired API endpoint and credentials.

Evaluating oc commands result

Evaluating the result of the oc command is key to the logic of your Pipeline.

  • oc commands return non zero exit code in case of error and thus, shell steps will by default fail if an oc command fails

  • To capture the output of an oc command in a Pipeline, use returnStdout: true as described in the Pipeline steps reference.

Pipeline snippet generator

You can generate the Pipeline statement to setup the OpenShift CLI using the Jenkins Pipeline Snippet Generator.

Figure 2. OpenShift CLI Pipeline snippet
Figure 2. OpenShift CLI Pipeline snippet