Known FIPS incompatibilities with CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms

1 minute read

The following features are not supported when the CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms is in FIPS mode:

Jenkins CLI

The Jenkins CLI tool is not FIPS 140-2 compliant and must not be run inside a CloudBees CI environment in FIPS mode.

Kubernetes agents using an agents configmap file

The jenkins-agent config map is not supported when CloudBees CI is in FIPS mode. The jenkins-agent script is used for migrations or for setting up an agent container based on an image with limited initial content (for example, JRE or tools). The script is also used when the agent definition has a JDK, but not the launch scripts. In this scenario, the JDK can be arbitrary (vendor and version) and the correct FIPS configuration of the script cannot be provided. Additionally, the container may not have FIPS enabled, so any calls to programs like git might use non-compliant code.

Plugin catalog and CasC Plugin Management 2.0

The Plugin catalog and CasC Plugin Management 2.0 are disabled when a CloudBees CI cluster is in FIPS mode to prevent users from installing CAP plugins are not FIPS 140-2 compliant. Refer to CAP plugin support in a FIPS 140-2 environment for more information.