Migrating from High Availability (active/passive) to High Availability (active/active) on CloudBees CI on traditional platforms

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CloudBees CI 2.414.2.2 and later provide High Availability(active/active) for CloudBees CI on traditional platforms. This HA (active/active) approach differs from the previous High Availability (active/passive) also possible on CloudBees CI on traditional platforms.

This page addresses the process of migrating controllers running in HA (active/passive) to HA (active/active) on CloudBees CI on traditional platforms.

HA (active/active) is unavailable for operations centers, so operations centers in CloudBees CI on traditional platforms running HA (active/passive) can remain unchanged.

Migration steps

To migrate controllers from HA (active/passive) to HA (active/active) on CloudBees CI on traditional platforms you must follow these general steps:

  1. Verify you are using the correct storage configuration.

  2. Configure and clean those controllers planned to run in HA (active/active).

  3. Set up your load balancer.

Storage configuration

Storage for controllers used in HA (active/passive) can be retained, as a shared file system storage that can be read and written simultaneously, is also a requirement for HA (active/active).

A standard solution is using a NFS (Network File System) Server.

To set up the NFS Server, please refer to the NFS Guide.

controller configuration

  1. Stop your HA (active/passive) replicas.

  2. Configure the replicas as per Install HA (active/active) on CloudBees CI on traditional platforms. Enable the JVM options for HA/HS (active/active) and disable those for HA (active/passive).

  3. Start the replicas one by one.

  4. Remove unnecessary HA (active/passive) elements:

Set up your load balancer

The load balancer configuration must follow these guidelines.