When Configuration as Code (CasC) plugins are installed on the operations center and controllers, you can use the Jenkins CLI tool to perform operations such as managing, validating, or applying CasC bundles, and importing items in your CloudBees CI instance (operations center or controller). To use the Jenkins CLI tool, first review Jenkins CLI tool. |
If you use a CLI command to upload a bundle, the parent and availabilityPattern properties in the controller bundle.yaml file are not supported. The parent and availabilityPattern properties are only supported for configuring bundle availability and for bundle inheritance for controller bundles that are added to the operations center using the CasC bundle location.
Authentication and authorization
Administrator permissions are required for authorization.
This section include CLI commands for interacting with CloudBees CI Configuration as Code (CasC). Some of these CLI commands are specific to operations center, while other are available for both operations centers and controllers. |
Operations center commands
Command | Description | Parameters | Prerequisites | ||
Lists all available controller CasC bundles on the operations center. |
None. |
Regenerates the token and returns the new bundle information when successful. |
Specifies the availability pattern to define the path to controllers that can use the bundle. |
Specifies the default global availability pattern behavior for the controller CasC bundle. |
Uses the availability pattern defined in the |
Assigns a bundle to a controller and returns the bundle information when successful. For this command to be successful, you must first define the availability pattern for the bundle using the |
Specifies a default bundle that is pre-selected in the operations center controller configuration screen when setting up a new controller and returns the bundle information when successful. The default bundle is pre-selected for controllers that match the availability pattern of the default bundle. To set the availability pattern of the default bundle, you can use the Specifying a default bundle does not assign the bundle to a controller. When setting up a new controller in the operations center, you must select Save or Apply from the controller configuration screen to assign the pre-selected bundle to the controller. |
Name: bundle-id
Validates a bundle stored in the operations center. |
Returns the full validation log for all raw bundles. If the optional |
Checks out the bundles from all CasC bundle locations to the operations center and returns the JSON array of bundle sources, where each one contains an array of bundles. |
Name: timeout (optional)
Returns the full validation log for all effective bundles. If the optional |
Downloads the effective bundle and applies CasC bundle inheritance, so it can be validated on the controller using the |
Downloads the effective bundle and applies CasC bundle inheritance, so it can be validated on the controller using the |
bundle.zip: The .zip file containing more than one bundle. |
Commands for operations centers and controllers
Command | Description | Parameters | Prerequisites |
Checks for bundle updates and returns information about the validation of the current bundle and the new available bundle version. If a bundle update is available, you can issue the |
None. |
Applies the bundle update without restarting the instance, when possible. |
None. |
Creates a new item in the instance based on an |
Returns the same information that is available from the Update log tab on the CloudBees Configuration as Code export and update screen. |
None. |
Validates a bundle against an instance. The bundle must be a .zip file. |
path/to/bundle.zip: The name of the path to the local .zip file that contains the bundle. For example, |
Command examples
In the command examples, admin is the name of the user attempting to send the request and +https://my-operations-center.com/ is the operations center URL. These examples authenticate using an API token.
Command | Command example |
Response examples
Response examples are formatted for better readability. |
{ "bundles":[ { "linkFileContent":"url: \"https://my-operation-center.com/config-bundle/casc-bundle-java\"\ntoken: \"\"\n", "regex":"folder1/.*", "name":"casc-bundle-java", "availabilityPatternFromYaml": true, "url":"https://my-operation-center.com/config-bundle/casc-bundle-java", "token":"", "usedBy": [ "folder1/controller1" ], "availableFor": [ "folder1/controller1", "folder1/controller2" ] } ] }
{ "update-available": true, "versions": { "current-bundle": { "version": "1", "validations": [] }, "new-version": { "version": "2", "valid": true, "validations": [ "WARNING - [PLUGINVAL] - Plugin warning-demo is not in the CloudBees Assurance Program (CAP) or in applicable plugin catalog(s).", "INFO - [APIVAL] - [ApiValidator] apiVersion correctly indicated in bundle.yaml.", "INFO - [CATALOGVAL] - [MultipleCatalogFilesValidator] No catalog validation needed.", "INFO - [CATALOGVAL] - [PluginCatalogInOCValidator] No plugin catalog specified.", "INFO - [CONTVAL] - [ContentBundleValidator] All files specified in the bundle exist and no unreferenced files indicated.", "INFO - [DESCVAL] - [DescriptorValidator] All files referenced in the descriptor are folders or yaml files.", "INFO - [ITEMSTRATEGY] - [ItemRemoveStrategyValidator] No (optional) itemRemoveStrategy defined in the bundle.", "INFO - [JCASCSTRATEGY] - [JcascMergeStrategyValidator] No (optional) jcascMergeStrategy defined in the bundle.", "INFO - [JCASC] - [JCasCValidator] All configurations validated successfully.", "INFO - [SCHEMA] - All YAML files validated correctly against their corresponding schemas", "INFO - [STRUCTURE] - [FileSystemBundleValidator] All files indicated in the bundle exist and have the correct type.", "INFO - [VERSIONVAL] - [VersionValidator] Version correctly indicated in bundle.yaml." ] } }, "update-type": "RELOAD", "items": { "deletions": [] } }
{ "update-available": true, "versions": { "current-bundle": { "version": "1", "validations": [] }, "new-version": { "version": "2", "valid": true, "validations": [ "WARNING - [PLUGINVAL] - Plugin warning-demo is not in the CloudBees Assurance Program (CAP) or in applicable plugin catalog(s)." ] } }, "update-type": "RELOAD", "items": { "deletions": [] } }
{ "linkFileContent":"url: \"https://my-operation-center.com/config-bundle/casc-bundle-java\"\ntoken: \"\"\n", "regex":"folder1/.*", "name":"casc-bundle-java", "availabilityPatternFromYaml": true, "url":"https://my-operation-center.com/config-bundle/casc-bundle-java", "token":"" }
{ "linkFileContent": "url: \"https://my-operation-center.com/config-bundle/casc-bundle-java\"\ntoken: \"\"\n", "regex":"folder1/.*", "name":"casc-bundle-java", "availabilityPatternFromYaml": true, "url":"https://my-operation-center.com/config-bundle/casc-bundle-java", "token":"" }
{ "linkFileContent": "url: \"https://my-operation-center.com/config-bundle/casc-bundle-java\"\ntoken: \"\"\n", "regex":"folder1/.*", "name":"casc-bundle-java", "availabilityPatternFromYaml": true, "url":"https://my-operation-center.com/config-bundle/casc-bundle-java", "token":"" }
Bundle successfully reloaded.
Created items on /folder1
{ "valid": false, "structureValidations": [ { "level": "WARNING", "validationCode": "BUNDLE_STRUCTURE", "message": "[STRUCTURE] - The following files have been detected in the bundle folder but they are not yaml files: sample.txt." }, { "level": "WARNING", "validationCode": "BUNDLE_CONTENT", "message": "[CONTVAL] - Not referenced file/folder sample.txt found in bundle folder" } ], "controllerValidations": [ { "controller": "online-ok-controller", "controllerStatus": "ONLINE", "validations": [] }, { "controller": "online-ko-controller", "controllerStatus": "ONLINE", "validations": [ { "level": "ERROR", "validationCode": "ITEMS", "message": "[ITEMS] - Impossible to parse file name or missing removeStrategy attribute. Please review the file format." } ] }, { "controller": "offline-controller", "controllerStatus": "OFFLINE", "validations": [] } ] }
{ "update-log-status": "ENABLED", "retention-policy": 10, "versions": [ { "version": "6", "date": "09 May 2022", "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "folder": "20220509_00006" }, { "version": "5", "date": "09 May 2022", "errors": 1, "warnings": 0, "folder": "20220509_00005" }, { "version": "4", "date": "09 May 2022", "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "folder": "20220509_00004" }, { "version": "3", "date": "09 May 2022", "errors": 1, "warnings": 0, "folder": "20220509_00003" }, { "version": "2", "date": "09 May 2022", "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "folder": "20220509_00002" }, { "version": "1", "date": "09 May 2022", "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "folder": "20220509_00001" } ] }
{ "valid": true, "validation-messages": [ "INFO - [STRUCTURE] - [FileSystemBundleValidator] All files indicated in the bundle exist and have the correct type.", "INFO - [DESCVAL] - [DescriptorValidator] All files referenced in the descriptor are folders or yaml files.", "INFO - [VERSIONVAL] - [VersionValidator] Version correctly indicated in bundle.yaml.", "INFO - [APIVAL] - [ApiValidator] apiVersion correctly indicated in bundle.yaml.", "INFO - [JCASCSTRATEGY] - [JcascMergeStrategyValidator] No (optional) jcascMergeStrategy defined in the bundle.", "INFO - [ITEMSTRATEGY] - [ItemRemoveStrategyValidator] No (optional) itemRemoveStrategy defined in the bundle.", "INFO - [CONTVAL] - [ContentBundleValidator] All files specified in the bundle exist and no unreferenced files indicated.", "INFO - [SCHEMA] - All YAML files validated correctly against their corresponding schemas", "INFO - [CATALOGVAL] - [PluginCatalogInOCValidator] No plugin catalog specified.", "INFO - [PLUGINVAL] - [PluginsToInstallValidator] All plugins are present in the envelope or in the plugin catalog.", "INFO - [CATALOGVAL] - [MultipleCatalogFilesValidator] No catalog validation needed.", "INFO - [JCASC] - [JCasCValidator] All configurations validated successfully.", "INFO - [PLUGINVAL] - [PluginsToInstallValidator] All plugins are present in the envelope or in the plugin catalog." ] }
{ "valid": true }
{ "validation-log": [ { "bundle-id": "casc-bundle-java", "records": [ { "version": "3", "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "folder": "20220607_00003", "date": "07 June 2022" }, { "version": "2", "errors": 0, "warnings": 1, "messages": [ "WARNING - [CONTVAL] - Unreferenced files/folders unknown.yaml found in bundle folder." ], "folder": "20220607_00002", "date": "07 June 2022" }, { "version": "1", "errors": 1, "warnings": 1, "messages": [ "WARNING - [CONTVAL] - Unreferenced files/folders unknown.yaml found in bundle folder.", "ERROR - [APIVAL] - 'apiVersion' property in the bundle.yaml file must be an integer." ], "folder": "20220607_00001", "date": "07 June 2022" } ], "controllers": [ { "controller": "controller-AB01", "records": [ { "bundle": "casc-bundle-java", "assigned": true, "version": "0d4b2b2d6f8ba0872a33120a0548a483", "errors": 0, "warnings": 1, "messages": [ "WARNING - [PLUGINVAL] - Plugin casc-bundle-java is not in the CloudBees Assurance Program (CAP) or in applicable plugin catalog(s)" ], "folder": "20220725_00002", "date": "25 July 2022" } ] } ] } ] }
{ "remotes: [ { "name": "my-local-bundle-sources", "bundles": [ { "bundleName": "bundle-1", "localText": "2022-09-20T15: 16: 27.318" }, { "bundleName": "bundle-2", "localText": "2022-09-20T15: 16: 27.318" } ] } ] }
{ "validation-log": [ { "controller": "controller-AB01", "records": [ { "bundle": "casc-bundle-java", "assigned": true, "version": "3", "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "folder": "20220607_00003", "date": "07 June 2022" }, { "bundle": "casc-bundle-java-02", "assigned": false, "version": "2", "errors": 0, "warnings": 1, "messages": [ "WARNING - [CONTVAL] - Unreferenced files/folders unknown.yaml found in bundle folder." ], "folder": "20220607_00002", "date": "07 June 2022" }, { "bundle": "casc-bundle-java-01", "assigned": false, "version": "1", "errors": 1, "warnings": 1, "messages": [ "WARNING - [CONTVAL] - Unreferenced files/folders unknown.yaml found in bundle folder.", "ERROR - [APIVAL] - 'apiVersion' property in the bundle.yaml file must be an integer." ], "folder": "20220607_00001", "date": "07 June 2022" } ] } ] }
# bundle.yaml apiVersion: '1' description: Effective bundle based on bundle-cb, bundle-ci, casc-bundle-java id: casc-bundle-java version: d836a9365ffd4efe98380d8c3fb7db28 plugins: - plugins.yaml jcasc: - jcasc/01-bundle-cb.jenkins.yaml - jcasc/02-bundle-ci.jenkins.yaml - jcasc/03-casc-bundle-java.jenkins.yaml items: - jcasc/01-bundle-cb.items.yaml - jcasc/02-bundle-ci.items.yaml - jcasc/03-casc-bundle-java.items.yaml rbac: - jcasc/01-bundle-cb.rbac.yaml - jcasc/02-bundle-ci.rbac.yaml - jcasc/03-casc-bundle-java.rbac.yaml catalog: - plugin-catalog.yaml variables: - jcasc/01-bundle-cb.variables.yaml - jcasc/02-bundle-ci.variables.yaml - jcasc/03-casc-bundle-java.variables.yaml --- # plugins.yaml plugins: - id: cloudbees-casc-items-api - id: cloudbees-casc-client - id: cloudbees-casc-items-controller - id: cloudbees-casc-items-common (...) --- # plugin-catalog.yaml (...) --- # jcasc/01-bundle-cb.jenkins.yaml (...) --- # jcasc/01-bundle-ci.jenkins.yaml (...) --- # jcasc/01-casc-bundle-java.jenkins.yaml (...) --- # items/01-bundle-cb.items.yaml (...) --- # items/01-bundle-ci.items.yaml (...) --- # items/01-casc-bundle-java.items.yaml (...) --- # rbac/01-bundle-cb.rbac.yaml (...) --- # rbac/01-bundle-ci.rbac.yaml (...) --- # rbac/01-casc-bundle-java.rbac.yaml (...) --- # variables/01-bundle-cb.variables.yaml (...) --- # variables/01-bundle-ci.variables.yaml (...) --- # variables/01-casc-bundle-java.variables.yaml (...)
{ "validations": [ { "bundle": "cm-casc-bundle/core-casc-export-jenkins", "result": { "valid": true, "structureValidations": [ { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "BUNDLE_STRUCTURE", "message": "[STRUCTURE] - [FileSystemBundleValidator] All files indicated in the bundle exist and have the correct type." }, { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "BUNDLE_CONTENT", "message": "[CONTVAL] - [ContentBundleValidator] All files specified in the bundle exist and no unreferenced files indicated." }, { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "SCHEMA", "message": "[SCHEMA] - All YAML files validated correctly against their corresponding schemas" }, { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "BUNDLE_STRUCTURE", "message": "[STRUCTURE] - [ParentValidator] Inheritance validation passed." }, { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "DESCRIPTOR", "message": "[DESCVAL] - [DescriptorValidator] All files referenced in the descriptor are folders or yaml files." }, { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "BUNDLE_VERSION", "message": "[VERSIONVAL] - [VersionValidator] Version correctly indicated in bundle.yaml." }, { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "BUNDLE_API", "message": "[APIVAL] - [ApiValidator] apiVersion correctly indicated in bundle.yaml." }, { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "BUNDLE_JCASC_STRATEGY", "message": "[JCASCSTRATEGY] - [JcascMergeStrategyValidator] No (optional) jcascMergeStrategy defined in the bundle." }, { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "BUNDLE_ITEM_STRATEGY", "message": "[ITEMSTRATEGY] - [ItemRemoveStrategyValidator] No (optional) itemRemoveStrategy defined in the bundle." }, { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "PLUGIN_CATALOG", "message": "[CATALOGVAL] - [MultipleCatalogFilesValidator] Just one file defining the plugin catalog." } ], "controllerValidations": [] } } ] }
{ "validations": [ { "bundle": "cm-casc-bundle/core-casc-export-jenkins", "result": { "valid": true, "structureValidations": [], "controllerValidations": [] } } ] }
{ "valid": true, "structureValidations": [ { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "BUNDLE_STRUCTURE", "message": "[STRUCTURE] - [FileSystemBundleValidator] All files indicated in the bundle exist and have the correct type." }, { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "BUNDLE_CONTENT", "message": "[CONTVAL] - [ContentBundleValidator] All files specified in the bundle exist and no unreferenced files indicated." }, { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "SCHEMA", "message": "[SCHEMA] - All YAML files validated correctly against their corresponding schemas" }, { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "BUNDLE_STRUCTURE", "message": "[STRUCTURE] - [ParentValidator] Inheritance validation passed." }, { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "DESCRIPTOR", "message": "[DESCVAL] - [DescriptorValidator] All files referenced in the descriptor are folders or yaml files." }, { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "BUNDLE_VERSION", "message": "[VERSIONVAL] - [VersionValidator] Version correctly indicated in bundle.yaml." }, { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "BUNDLE_API", "message": "[APIVAL] - [ApiValidator] apiVersion correctly indicated in bundle.yaml." }, { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "BUNDLE_JCASC_STRATEGY", "message": "[JCASCSTRATEGY] - [JcascMergeStrategyValidator] No (optional) jcascMergeStrategy defined in the bundle." }, { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "BUNDLE_ITEM_STRATEGY", "message": "[ITEMSTRATEGY] - [ItemRemoveStrategyValidator] No (optional) itemRemoveStrategy defined in the bundle." }, { "level": "INFO", "validationCode": "PLUGIN_CATALOG", "message": "[CATALOGVAL] - [MultipleCatalogFilesValidator] Just one file defining the plugin catalog." } ], "controllerValidations": [] }
{ "valid": true, "structureValidations": [], "controllerValidations": [] }
Response model
Element | Type | Description |
assigned |
boolean |
If |
availableFor |
array of objects |
Controllers that can be assigned to the bundle based on the availability pattern. |
availabilityPatternFromYaml |
string |
Returns |
bundles |
array of objects |
All bundles available on the operations center. |
linkFileContent |
string |
Contains two entries in string format enclosed in quotes and separated by newline characters: url and token. The url is the bundle URL where the operations center exposes its content. The token is the access token for the bundle. |
name |
string |
The name of the folder that contains the CasC bundle. For example, |
regex |
string |
The full path to one or more controllers in the operations center that can use the bundle. This must be a regular expression. It defines the bundles you can assign to a controller. For example, |
token |
string |
The access token for the bundle. |
url |
string |
The bundle URL where the operations center exposes its content. |
usedBy |
string |
The names of controllers assigned to the bundle. |
Status and exit codes
Code | Description |
0 |
Success |
6 |
Not authorized. Administrator permission required. |
3 |
The provided parameter (bundle id or controller path) does not match the available bundles. |
Examples for configuring a controller using CasC
Once the CasC bundle has been configured in the operations center, you can define an availability pattern to make the bundle available to controllers, assign the bundle to a controller, and specify a default bundle.
Issue the
command to list all available CasC bundles on the operations center. For example:java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -auth admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym -s https://my-operation-center.com/ -webSocket casc-bundle-list
In this example, there is one bundle named
:{ "bundles":[ { "linkFileContent":"url: \"https://my-operation-center.com/config-bundle/casc-bundle-java\"\ntoken: \"\"\n", "regex":"", "name":"casc-bundle-java", "availabilityPatternFromYaml": true, "url":"https://my-operation-center.com/config-bundle/casc-bundle-java", "token": "", "usedBy": [], "availableFor": [] } ] }
Define the availability pattern for the bundle. You have two options:
Option 1: Issue the
command to define the path to the controllers that can use the bundle. For example:java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -auth admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym -s https://my-operation-center.com/ -webSocket casc-bundle-set-availability-pattern -b casc-bundle -p "folder1/.*"
If successful, the specified availability pattern is returned:
Option 2: Issue the
command to define the default global availability pattern behavior for bundles that do not have an availability pattern defined. This option provides more flexibility, but is less secure. For example:java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -auth admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym -s https://my-operation-center.com/ -webSocket casc-bundle-set-global-availability-pattern-behavior -v true
If successful, the default global availability pattern behavior is returned:
Issue the
command to assign a bundle to a controller. For example:java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -auth admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym -s https://my-operation-center.com/ -webSocket casc-bundle-set-controller -b casc-bundle-java -c folder1/controller1
If successful, the bundle information is returned:
{ "linkFileContent":"url: \"https://my-operation-center.com/config-bundle/casc-bundle-java\"\ntoken: \"\"\n", "regex":"folder1/.*", "name":"casc-bundle-java", "availabilityPatternFromYaml": true, "url":"https://my-operation-center.com/config-bundle/casc-bundle-java", "token":"" }
Issue the
command again. For example:java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -auth admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym -s https://my-operation-center.com/ -webSocket casc-bundle-list
bundle is now assigned tofolder/controller1
and also available for assignment tofolder1/controller2
, based on the availability pattern you defined.{ "bundles":[ { "linkFileContent":"url: \"https://my-operation-center.com/config-bundle/casc-bundle-java\"\ntoken: \"\"\n", "regex":"folder1/.*", "name":"casc-bundle-java", "availabilityPatternFromYaml": true, "url":"https://my-operation-center.com/config-bundle/casc-bundle-java", "token":"" "usedBy": [ "folder1/controller1" ], "availableFor": [ "folder1/controller1", "folder1/controller2" ] } ] }
Optionally, specify a default bundle to pre-select a bundle in the controller configuration screen when setting up a new controller. For example, to specify
as the default bundle, issue thecasc-bundle-set-default-bundle
command:java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -auth admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym -s https://my-operation-center.com/ -webSocket casc-bundle-set-default-bundle -b casc-bundle-java
If successful, the default bundle information is returned:
{ "linkFileContent": "url: \"https://my-operation-center.com/config-bundle/casc-bundle-java\"\ntoken: \"\"\n", "regex":"folder1/.*", "name":"casc-bundle-java", "availabilityPatternFromYaml": true, "url":"https://my-operation-center.com/config-bundle/casc-bundle-java", "token":"" }