Configuring Microsoft Teams Integration users

2 minute readExtensibilityDeveloper productivity
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CloudBees Microsoft Teams Integration is a Preview feature.
A Preview feature:
  • Has not undergone end-to-end testing with CloudBees products.

  • Is provided without service-level agreements (SLA), and therefore does not include CloudBees' commitment to functionality or performance.

  • May impact other stable areas of the product when used.

  • May have limited documentation.

  • May not be feature-complete during the Preview period.

  • May graduate from Preview to a supported feature or be removed from the product.

  • May introduce breaking changes that prevent upgrades due to incompatibility with future development.

Product features and documentation are frequently updated. If you find an issue or have a suggestion, please contact CloudBees Support.

Adding a user

Before you can add a user, you need the following information about the user:

  • CloudBees CI User Id: The user’s CloudBees CI Id can be found in their profile information on the controller.

  • Microsoft Teams Channel Webhook URL: The Microsoft Teams Webhook URL that is provided when you set up the Connection to create a webhook on the channel.

  • GitHub Username: When a PR is built, if the GitHub author matches the user in the plugin, the CloudBees Microsoft Teams Integration Plugin sends a notification to the linked Microsoft Teams channel.

To add a user to Microsoft Teams Integration:
  1. From your CloudBees CI controller, navigate to Manage Jenkins > CloudBees Microsoft Teams Integration.

    ms teams int
  2. Select Add WebHook.

  3. Enter the following information about the user:

    • CloudBees CI User ID: The user’s CloudBees CI ID can be found in their profile information on the controller.

    • Teams Channel Webhook: The Microsoft Teams Webhook URL that is provided when you set up the Connection to create a webhook.

    • GitHub Username: When a PR is built, if the GitHub author matches the user in the plugin, the CloudBees Microsoft Teams Integration Plugin sends a notification to the linked Microsoft Teams channel.

  4. Enable the user to receive messages by selecting the Receiving Notifications toggle.

  5. Select Save.